Monday, August 26, 2024

The Power of Simple Habits for Staying Organized

Memory can be fickle, but organized habits are your strongest ally. Rather than depending solely on memory, build consistent habits and establish clear protocols around your tasks. When you follow these systems, you create a reliable path to success. Let your routines guide you, and you'll find yourself making fewer mistakes. In the end, it's not what you remember but how you consistently act that makes the difference.

One example from my personal life: I've made it a habit to quietly say to myself, "W-M-S-K-U" just before leaving home for office and before leaving office for home. This simple habit ensures I don't leave without my Wallet, Mobile, Spectacles, Kerchief and Umbrella.

Do you use any similar reliable hacks? Please do share.

-- Pradeep K (Prady)

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