Saturday, December 28, 2019

I'm here for you in 2020

Here we are again, then. At the edge of an annual passage. To the new year, ahoy! To 2020!

A couple of questions, though. Are we celebrating? For real? If not, then what's all the hubba hubba about? If yes, then what exactly are we celebrating?

Usually this time of the year we wish each other well, we pray for our friends, we resolve to help them succeed in the coming year, and we celebrate the fact that we will succeed together. 

Right now, though, how many of us are really thinking about our friends? How many of us have really wished our friends well? How many of us have told our friends that we'll be there for them? How many of us have resolved to help our friends achieve their dreams in the coming year?

I'm safely assuming not many. These days everyone seems to think only about themselves. Nobody thinks about friends. They're not at fault, of course, because they're pressured by our current political system to worry only about themselves and their family. So they're not morally ready to wish anybody else. Sad.

I told my friend that I care, that I'm here if she needs me. And I meant every word of it. So I know what I'm celebrating right now. And I'm proud of it. 

I don't care what our politicians think, they're idiots.

Happy 2020 to all my friends, I'm here for you guys and gals. Just a call away.

1 comment:

passerby55 said...

Thank you prady
That’s a very positive inspiring motivating message to all

Yes friends we need them , we love them . We all deserve if not many but a few good ones ...

Good Friendship is the best gift one could get for just being yourself out there :)