Saturday, March 23, 2019

Looks Like War Ahead

I've completed my training program well enough. And I'm committed to that cause.

And yet, in the last two months I've had to fight for myself. All things considered, when someone tries to make a scapegoat of me, I'd refuse. So I've done.

There was a time when somebody spent a year developing something. I wasn't invited because that somebody wanted all the credit. Then they thought involving me was not worth it. Now, after a year, when the heat is up, and the delivery date is round the corner, they realise their mistake. And now they want me to take over the failing project. They want me to be responsible for somebody else's crap.

Well, no darlings. I shall not clean up your mess. I shall not be your scapegoat. Find someone else for it.

The coming Monday I'm supposed to talk to my manager's manager. Perhaps that would be my last working day. If so, so be it.

Edit: I've worked 10 hours a day since last three years, only for the product. I never played games. But if you play games with me, I'll be sure to respond. And I assure you, you won't like my response.

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